Safety Courses
Safety Matters offers a variety of interactive courses at the “Safety Matters Training Institute” facility located in the Georgetown neighborhood in South Seattle. It’s a welcoming environment with large classrooms, audio and visual equipment, kitchen, seating area, and plenty of parking space.
Register yourself or a group through open enrollment, or classes can be scheduled for individual companies. Many of the courses are regularly available in Spanish. Topics vary in depth, from “Awareness Training” to “Competent Person(s)”.
If the course you are looking for is not currently being offered, please contact us directly to book custom scheduling! Special group rates available.
Accident Investigation
Class Duration: 2 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: N/A
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This course is designed for anyone wanting to learn basic principles of accident investigation. A hands-on curriculum, evaluating mishaps, discovering “root causes” and “contributing factors”.
Course Outline:
The purpose of an accident investigation
Initiating the investigation
Protecting and recording the accident scene
Report writing
Conducting interviews
Understanding of root causes
Determining contributing factors
Initiating corrective action
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Aerial/Scissor Lift
Class Duration: 4 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 3 years
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Great for beginners or experienced operators.
Goals/Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes:
Regulatory requirements
Pre-use inspections
Work area inspections
Manufacture guidelines (operator manuals)
Load limitations
Hazard identification such as overhead power lines, vehicle stability, tip-over and fall hazards
Safe operation, understanding controls, emergency procedures and best practices
Proper use and guidelines of personal fall protection
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Asbestos, Lead, and Silica
Class Duration: 2 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 1 year
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This required curriculum is excellent for both supervisors, as well as potentially exposed workers. You’ll gain a better understanding of what “respiratory” hazards are, the proper use of engineering and administrative controls, OSHA’s Table 1 (for silica), and personal protective equipment requirements.
Highlights of the course include recognition of potential hazardous materials, health risks to workers, and information concerning 2017 OSHA/WAC changes for silica exposure.
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Confined Space
Class Duration: 2 h and 4-8 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 2 years
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A “Confined Space” is:
Large enough for full bodily entry
Not designed for continuous human occupancy
Has limited or restricted means of access/egress
Class participants will learn how to identify these spaces, and what controls must be implemented prior to entry including:
Training Requirements
Confined Space Hazards
Space Classification
Air Monitoring (4-gas meters)
Forced Air Ventilation
Controlling Access
Emergency Rescue Requirements
Duties of Attendant and Space Supervisor
Permit Process
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CPR/First Aid with AED and Heat Related Illness
Class Duration: 3.5-4h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 2 years
Hands-on Mannequins
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CPR and First Aid with AED training course designed for individuals and organizations to meet regulatory requirements. Our course follows the Medic First Aid program.
Instructor-led course that teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage an emergency until emergency medical services arrives. A variety of skills will be covered in this course including Hands on Only CPR, Basic First Aid, choking, seizures and blood borne pathogens. This course teaches skills with the American Heart Association’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning of skills.
The Heat Related Illness portion of this class is designed to help workers to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control heat stress hazards. In this course, we will teach you the definition of heat stress and how to prevent injuries and illnesses on the job site. You will also learn OSHA’s heat stress guidelines so that you can be prepared to handle heat stress emergencies. Washington State requires HRI to be covered May 1st through September 30th, yearly.
This course will cover the following topics:
Introduction to Heat Stress
General Elements of Heat Stress
Defining Heat Stress
Additional Effects
Heat Stress Prevention
Medical Issues
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Crisis Management
Class Duration: 2 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 1 year
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Emergencies happen, but how well they’re managed often determines the severity of the outcome. Injuries, property damage, fire, spills, even natural disasters are all topics for consideration when establishing your Emergency Plans. Enjoy an open discussion, hands-on look at Crisis Management.
This course will cover the following topics:
Establishing an Emergency Action Plan
How to identify and manage crisis situations
Training requirements (roles and responsibilities)
Contingency plans
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EM 385 24 Hour Competent Person Fall Protection & Ladder User
Class Duration: 24 h (3 8-hour days total)
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 3 years
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The course includes:
EM385 Fall Protection Regulations for Construction
ANSI Z359 (2009-2017) – The Fall Protection Code
ANSI A10.32 (2012) – Personal Fall Protection Used in Construction and Demolition Operations
ANSI Z490.1 (2016) – Criteria for Accepted Practices in Safety, Health, and Environmental Training
Suspend each attendee in a harness w trauma straps
Mock Rescue
Em385 Ladder and Stair/Access Awareness
Written Exam
In addition to their certification card, students receive a comprehensive handbook, Power Point presentation printouts, a sample Site Specific Fall Protection Plan. Refreshments and lunch provided all 3 days.
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Excavation and Trenching with Confined Space
Class Duration: 2 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 2 years
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Hazards involving excavations and trenches, can lead to serious incidents involving workers at construction sites. Workers can be critically injured or die in cave-ins. Many cave-ins occur on small jobs of short duration, such as water, gas, electrical and sewer line connections. Employers, supervisors and workers must follow the requirements set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and Regulations for Construction Projects. The course is designed to provide participants with an awareness of Federal and State requirement, covering practical considerations for safe and compliant excavation and trenching.
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Fall Protection & Ladder User Awareness
Class Duration: 4 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 2 years
If there are no classes available currently, please contact us directly to book custom scheduling! Special group rates available
Fall Protection training is designed to familiarize workers with the dangers of fall hazards, as well as the proper adornment, use, care, and maintenance of fall protection equipment. With falls being the leading cause of death in construction, it makes sense OSHA requires training for anyone using personal fall protection equipment.
This course covers:
OSHA’s “Hierarchy of Controls”
Fall Restraint Systems (Railing requirements)
Safety Monitors & Warning Lines
Fall Protection Plans (Competent Person Supervision)
Personal Fall Arrest Systems
Arresting forces
Free-Fall Distances
ANSI specifications
System Types (Ropes, SRL, Fixed Lanyards)
Required Clearances
Swing-Fall Hazards
Requirements for inspections and maintenance
Harness fitting/storage
Connector compatibility
OSHA/WAC requirements, covering trigger heights for compliance
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Flagger Certification
Class Duration: 7h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 3 years
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This is a basic training in the area of flagger training. It has been designed for someone learning the first steps in performing flagger duties. This training would be useful as a refresher course for all employees involved with work zone traffic control where flaggers are utilized.
This training is intended for individuals that will be performing or are engaging in flagger duties on construction/maintenance projects. The course will assist them in better understanding the importance and duties involved with flagging on a project. It would be beneficial to the entry level employee as well as the experienced flagger.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
Identify the responsibilities of a flagger
Describe the proper ways to place signs
Describe the proper position for flagging
Define the flagging procedures for stop, slow, and proceed
Identify the correct procedures for various flagging situations
Describe the proper conduct in flagging
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Forklift Class 4/5; Forklift Class 7
Class Duration: 4 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 3 years
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Forklift Safety Training:
Regulatory requirements
Pre Use Inspections
Manufacturer Guidelines
Operators Manuals
Safe Operation
Moving with and without a load
Picking up and delivering a load
Unattended forkilfts
Stability triangle
Differences from standard vehicles
Special considerations
Loading trailers
Ramps and
Overhead electrical hazards
lifting limitations
Safe operation
Hands on practical training (specific to each classification)
Unique features for each PIT
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Hazardous Communication with GHS
Class Duration: 2 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 1 years
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The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) is an international system led by the US and adopted by the United Nation, which provides an effective, standardized means of communicating hazard information worldwide. Employers need to train their employees on the labeling elements and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) format .
This class will cover employer responsibilities, how to minimize workplace hazards, written program requirements and guidelines for compliance.
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How to Navigate a Labor & Industries Inspection
How to Navigate a Labor & Industries Inspection, from the eyes of a Labor & Industries Compliance Officer
Class Duration: 6 Hrs
Certification: Certificate of Completion
Join us in hosting Yonas Woldemichael, former L&I Compliance Officer. He will answer questions on how to prepare for an L&I Inspection, whether it be a random visit, post-accident, referral, complaint or imminent danger observed while L&I drives by your construction project. Yonas will explain H.E.C.K, which Labor & Industries needs to prove to issue a citation:
E…Employee Exposure
C…Code Violation
We will also cover the required documents, ranging from Accident Prevention Plans, Site Specific Safety Plans, Weekly Safety Meetings/Inspections & various Activity Specific Forms, Job Hazard Analysis, Pre-Task Planning, etc. Yonas will focus on how to handle the L&I Compliance Officer from the moment they arrive on site, until the Closing Conference.
Additional Information Covered:
How to file for an Informal Hearing and/or Appeal
How fines/penalties are calculated
Stute Decision
General Contractor Requirements
Upper Tier and Lower Tier Subcontractor Requirements
Employer and Employee Responsibilities
Lunch and refreshments provided
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Lift Director
Class Duration: 4h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 5 years
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The Lift Director portion of the course addresses the responsibilities of a Lift Director as identified by 29CFR1926.1400 (Federal OSHA), ASME P30.1 Lift Planning and ASME B30.5 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes.
Participants are provided an outline of the recommended knowledge and skill subjects that should be mastered in order to become a Lift Director.
This course addresses the following subjects:
Site - Equipment Setup and Operation
Roles, Responsibilities, and Qualification of Lift Director and Personnel
Lifting Operations - Personnel Assignments
Rigging/Rigging Decisions for Lift Planning
Load Charts/Using Load Charts to Prepare a Lift Plan
Rigging Capacities and Methods
Lift Plans - Sequence of Events, LHE Placement and Usage
Critical Lift Planning Elements - Develop, Review and Evaluation
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Lock Out - Tag Out
Class Duration: 2 h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 1 year
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Lock-out / Tag-out, also referred to as LO/TO, is a set of safety procedures used to control and isolate hazardous energy.
Course Outline:
Program requirements
Roles and Responsibilities for
Authorized Persons
Affected Persons
Other Persons
Testing requirements
Training requirements
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OSHA 10 and 30 Hour
Class Duration: 10 h and 30 h
Type: Construction and General Industry
Certification: OSHA Wallet Card
Validation: N/A
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OSHA 10 and 30 Hour courses are designed for Tradespeople, as well as Managers and Supervisors. Available for both construction and General Industry, the classes have choices for elective topics to best suit a clients needs.
The 10 Hour courses, more focused for Tradespeople, give a general understand of:
The history of OSHA
Roles & Responsibilities
Fall Protection (Walking / Working Surfaces)
Struck-By / Caught In-Between Hazards
Electrical Safety
Personal Protective Equipment
General Health Hazards (Noise, Silica, Lead, Asbestos)
Hand & Power Tools (Machine Guarding)
Stairs & Ladder Safety
Scaffold Safety
Materials Handling (Ergonomics)
The 30 Hour classes, designed more for Supervisors, cover all of the 10 Hour topics but in greater depth. OSHA 30 Classes may also cover:
Foundations of Safety Leadership
Managing Safety & Health Programs
Confined Space Entry
Excavation & Trenching
Crane Use
Fire Prevention
Emergency planning
Mechanized Equipment
Competent Person Training
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Respirator Protection with Fit Testing
Class Duration: 4-8 hours
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 1 year
If there are no classes available currently, please contact us directly to book custom scheduling! Special group rates available.
This course reviews the basic requirements for a respiratory protection program. Course topics include:
OSHA Respiratory Protection Standards
Program Requirements
NIOSH Certification
Basic Terminology
When and why to use a respirator
How to proper select a respirator and cartridge
Cleaning & Maintenance
Cartridge Change-Out
Medical Evaluation Requirements
Fit Testing
Voluntary Use
Assigned Protection Factors
The course includes qualitative fit testing. Bring your respirator and cartridge to class.
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Rigger and Signal Person
Class Duration: 8h
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 5 years
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This one-day rigging and signaling class is facilitated with an interactive workbook and “hands-on” exercises.
Participants will gain understanding of:
ASME B30 Hand Signals & Voice Communication Methods for Mobile and Overhead Cranes
Understanding Center of Gravity
Controlling Loads
Weight Estimations
Hitch Types (Vertical, Choke and Basket)
D/d Ratios
Sling loading (Share of load & Load Angle Factors)
Inspection Criteria of Rigging Materials
Sling and Hardware Types
Tagline use
Dynamic (shock) loading
Power-line Clearances
Overhead Hazards
Hands-On Exercises
Written Exam
Participants must be able to read and understand English, as well comprehend basic math, and use a calculator.
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Scaffold and Ladder User
Class Duration/Level: 4 hours
Certification: Wallet Card
Validation: 2 years
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Classes offered for both “Users” and “Competent Persons”
This “User” course covers:
Pre-use inspections
Safe work practices, and manufacture guidelines
Fall Protection requirements
Reporting deficiencies
The “Competent Person” course covers:
Code requirements
Duties of a “Competent Person”
User topics
Power line hazards
Check out our Competent Person category below to see if this class is currently offered.
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Courses in Spanish
These are our available classes offered in Spanish. If you are looking for a specific class that is not offered here, please contact us directly to book custom scheduling!
Spanish Courses
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Competent Person Courses
OSHA’s definition of a Competent Person is one who can identify existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
Listed below are our available Competent Person classes. If you are looking for a specific class that is not offered here, please contact us directly to book custom scheduling!
Competent Person Courses
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